Thursday, February 02, 2006

What Happens to Pinedale When the Natural Gas is Gone?

Wyoming Has 40 Years To Change Its De-populous Destiny

Opposition Forms to Pinedale Area Elk Trapping

Environmentalists oppose elk-trapping proposal

Summary = these environmentalists believe the elk feedgrounds concentrate the elk, leading to brucellosis in cattle; but elk migration corridors have been cut off so they need to be fed in order to provide that "western" hunting opportunity.

Pinedale schools try to give money away

Pinedale schools try to give money away

The district is planning a $14 million aquatic center and a $4 million addition to the middle school, among other projects. It spent about $90,000 for laptop computers, carts and printers for each fifth-grade student. And its teachers will make, on average, more than $50,000 each this year.

You Don't Win Friends With Salad

Someone really didn't like Buffalo Street BBQ

"You Don't Win Friends With Salad"

Miami Hockey is #1

RedHawks hockey team ranked tops in the nation

RedHawks ranked No. 1 in the nation for first time in school history

Miami No. 1 in hockey: No RedHawks team in any sport had ever topped national poll