Thursday, January 27, 2011

Down With Cows

Dear Coasties - you're welcome.

I've been a long time fan of bison as a beef replacement. See:
Stupid Cows

Now foodies on the Cosasts are taking it up as the latest food trend according to the NYT:
Plains Giants Have Foothold on Tables
What happened, producers and retailers say, is that the buffalo, the great ruminant of the Plains — once endangered, now raised on ranches by the tens of thousands — has thundered into an era of growing buyer concern about where food comes from, what an animal dined on and how it all affects the planet.

Trendsetting consumers and restaurants on the East and West Coasts caught on. Grass-fed, sustainable and locally grown, obscure concepts to most people 15 years ago or so when the buffalo meat market first emerged, became buzzwords of the foodie culture.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Can Surface Events Affect Subsurface Structures?

Wired: Can Hurricanes Trigger Earthquakes?

The hypothesis presented is that moving surface mass can affect the pressures on a fault zone causing it to release.

However, what is not tested is whether infiltration of water from the 2008 tropical storms into the faults could have led to thixotropy in 2010 - where the strain already on the faults was released by the addition of water. This process is already well understood and it would fit the timeline better than the mass wasting events.

The Universe As Simulation

I'm not the first person to think this. Search the web for "universe is a simulation evidence" and you get lots of good results.

Caching, prefetching, buffer overflows - terms from computing where an attempt is made to make information available before it is asked for or having information located where it shouldn't be located.

These are the terms I thought about when I read this at NPR: Could It Be? Spooky Experiments That 'See' The Future

Experimentation appears to indicate that the Future can leak into the Present. As far as I know there is not a biological explanation for this. However, we have a computational analogy for this happening.

Makes you think the Ancient Alien theory isn't so crazy after-all, perhaps they are just checking in on their grand simulation.