I don't subscribe to my town's newspaper, but my mom still likes to have it around and since she is babysitting for awhile there is always a copy in our house. Earlier this week I was flipping through the pages and saw an opinion column by Uncle Pat:
New Tribe Rising?
In this piece he basically says the Tea Party is made up of white ethnonationalists and it is a good thing and everybody else better watch out because this kind of uprising has a long history (though Tecumseh, Hitler, and Milošević were unsuccessful, maybe it was because the right person has not tried it yet).
The conservative blog Little Green Footballs even thinks he's crazy:
Pat Buchanan: Tea Parties Are a 'New Tribe Rising'
This kind of tribal thinking is essentially un-American. The promise of America, and what continues to be a goal for Americans, is the concept of the "melting pot" as cliched as that may be - but it is a cliche because it is true. Buchanan is arguing for fascism.
Not only is racial based tribal thinking antithetical to the ideals America represents, but it also makes for bad economics. See TheAtlantic:
Why Nations Struggle or ThriveIt's also clear that the most troubled societies -- those with the highest reported levels of suffering -- also, generally speaking, face the highest levels of intolerance.