-SciAm: Bison versus Mammoths: New Culprit in the Disappearance of North America's Giants
-NewSci: Vikings' crystal clear method of navigation
-NPR: New 'Giant' Species Of Crayfish Found In Tennessee Creek
-Wired: Shark Teeth Found Stuck in Ancient Ammonite Shell
-80Beats: Scientists Find First Evidence That Weather Affects Movement of Tectonic Plates
-SurprisingScience: Gigantic Plume Beneath Yellowstone Now Even More Gigantic
-The Rach 3 recordings page
-Wired: Gut-Bacteria Mapping Finds Three Global Varieties
-80Beats: Ancient Stone Structures Herded Gazelles to Mass Slaughter [like Lake Huron?]
-SciAm: How Science Stopped BP's Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
-Time: More Proof That Vikings Were First to America
...a small group of Icelanders — roughly 350 in total — carried a lineage known as C1, usually seen only in Asians and Native Americans.
-PhysOrg: New theory proposed to explain Pioneer probe gravitational anomaly
-Wired: Lava Lamp Action Helped Create Grand Canyon
-USGS: US Topo – A New National Map Series
-Dr. Jeff: America's Achilles' heel: the Mississippi River's Old River Control Structure
-Spacenews: U.S. Weather Satellites Saw Tornado Swarm Coming 5 Days Out
-TR: Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake
-Wired: Hot, Rocky Pancake Formed Hawaiian Islands
-Wired: Humans Could Have Geomagnetic Sight
-SciAm: The Behavioral Immune System
-EarthSky: Discovery of new force driving Earth’s tectonic plates
-BBC: Gravity satellite yields 'Potato Earth' view
-EarthSky: MIT discovery: A drug to cure nearly any virus
-SciAm: Solar System Likely Once Had Another Gas-Giant Planet
-Wired: Recent Human Evolution Detected in Quebec Town History
-Wired: Ozone Gas May Signal Coming Earthquakes
-EarthSky: Was a fifth gas giant ejected from our solar system?
-Wired: Multicellular Life Evolves in Laboratory
-PhysOrg: Anthropologists clarify link between Asians and early Native-Americans: A tiny mountainous region in southern Siberia may have been the genetic source of the earliest Native Americans, according to new research by a University of Pennsylvania-led team of anthropologists.
-WaPo: Radical theory of first Americans places Stone Age Europeans in Delmarva 20,000 years ago
-Smithsonian | Surprising Science: Clovis People Hunted Canada’s Camels
-EarthSky: Correlation between tornadoes and activity recorded by seismographs
[very interesting that seismographs picked up noise before the tornadoes formed]
-Atlantic: Superweeds: A Long-Predicted Problem for GM Crops Has Arrived
-PhysOrg: How religion promotes confidence about paternity [in other words, the world's major religions were founded to keep control of women's sexuality]
-PhysOrg: Research finds Stonehenge was monument marking unification of Britain
-Wired: Spectacularly Preserved Fossil Suggests Most Dinosaurs Were Feathered
-Discover/80Beats: Star Formation is Coming to a Close
-Wired: Top Scientific Discoveries of 2012
-Ars: No absolutes: How shifting plates completely remake the Earth
-SciAm: The Most Fascinating Human Evolution Discoveries of 2012