Friday, July 25, 2008

Presidential Or Petty?

Can McCain be any less Presidential? You stay classy John McCain - keep doing things like this:

  • Saying Obama wants to lose and/or surrender the war (See: McCain says Obama has long wanted to "surrender" in Iraq and McCain abandons decency, sense of propriety)

  • Complain about the press coverage of Obama when you didn't invite the media on your Iraq trip (See:
    [or just search for "McCain complains"]

  • Making fun of reporters covering his campaign (See: McCain Talks Domestic Issues On 'JV' Press Tour)

  • Call Obama 'The One' (as in Neo from The Matrix) (See: McCain's blind spot on Iraq, Vietnam)

  • Joke about killing Iranian civilians (See: McCain jokes about killing Iranians with cigarettes)

  • Joke about a woman getting raped (See: McCain Ape Rape Joke Recalled By Sources)