Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hybrid Hype

The big hype right now is that the Chevy Volt will get 230 mpg in the city!


As calculated at Environmental Economics, the Volt gets 230 mpg if traveling only 51.11 miles, 50 mpg after that.

See: 230 mpg?

And as reported at EPA Says It Can't Confirm GM's 230-MPG Fuel Economy Claim for Chevy Volt

For comparison, the new $27k Ford Focus hybrid and the $24k TDI Jetta Sportwagen both get around 42 mpg combined.

Furthermore, Popular Mechanics just tested a BMW diesel against a hybrid Lexus and found the overall mpg differed by 1 mpg; but the diesel was a lot more fun to drive.

See: 2010 Lexus HS250 Hybrid vs. 2010 BMW 335 Diesel 390-Mile Fuel Economy Comparison Test Drive