Monday, October 26, 2009

"Just Ring It Up With The Dong Tea"

[Update on 10/26/2009: Hulu has confirmed programming will stop being free at some point]

Hulu is removing Arrested Development seasons 1 and 2.

See TBM: Fox Kidnaps Itself

The article speculates that this is being done to drive DVD sales of Seasons 2 and 3. I disagree - this move seems more in line with Hulu offering paid subscriptions (currently in testing) and FOX's Murdoch love of paywalls to his properties.

See LAT: Will Hulu make you pay to watch?

Fortunately, shortly after AD was canceled syndication rights were sold to MSN. And because of that every episode is available at

A warning to FOX, content wants to be free. Removing dearly loved content like this will only drive your audience to other outlets.

G.O.B.: So is it for sale? I could use it in my act.

Asian Man: Maybe. Sword of Destiny hundreds of years old. Come with ancient story of warning, and...

G.O.B.: Yeah, I make up my own patter. Just ring it up with the dong tea.

Via: The OP (don't call it that)