Tuesday, February 09, 2010

AD Sure Is Popular For A Show That Was Cancelled

That Funke Arrested Development is some kind of something. Boy, this Funke Arrested Development is all anybody's ever talking about. So sick and tired of hearing about how brilliant that Funke Arrested Development is. Overrated

Movieline: Jessica Walter On Archer, Arrested Development, and the Lost Classic Dinosaurs

PopEater: Will Arnett Talks Baby Helmets, 'Arrested' Secrets and Loving Conan

[Update 2/9/2010]
Collider: Ron Howard Interview
Are you surprised at the passion people have for Arrested Development, so long after it went off the air?

Ron: I’m gratified by it. From the very first conversations with Mitch Hurwitz, I was passionate about it and always frustrated that the broad audiences weren’t there to really sustain it on network television. But, it’s been incredibly gratifying. You’re always a little surprised when something really takes off.

Ron Howard image (2).jpgWhat’s the status of the movie now?

Ron: Mitch Hurwitz is working on a story on script. He would direct it. Everyone is hoping. We’re not going to go through with anything we don’t think is up to the standards.

Everyone is chomping at the bit for it.

Ron: Me too. I’m chomping too.

Would it pick up where the show left off?

Ron: No clue. I have no clue as to who’s in it or what the storyline is, but every time I get together with Mitch, he gives me these fragments and they’re all hilarious.

Would you still narrate the film?

Ron: Oh, yeah. They couldn’t stop me. They couldn’t hold me back.