Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Blueing Myself

An Arrested Development linkfest

DigitalSpyUK: Cera: 'Arrested Development film is scary'
"I feel scared by all the expectations on it at this point. People ask me about it a lot. And to make a movie that already has expectations built in before the script is even written seems intimidating."
[this sounds a lot like Liz Phair talking about how she felt after making 'Exile'] Arrested Development, creator Mitch Hurwitz has told GQ magazine that a script is being written for the long-awaited Arrested Development movie. But first Hurwitz and co-executive producer Jim Vallely have to get Running Wilde up and, er, running. Then, when the script is finished, they’ll have to coordinate the schedules of all the TV show’s former stars to get it filmed. “It is our absolute next priority and we can't wait to do it,” Hurwitz said.

Reuters: "Arrested Development" movie script half done
"It's not going to be a big money maker," Hurwitz added. "It's going to be fun, like a family reunion.