Friday, September 17, 2010


A week off from Google Reader and still not caught up. Some reads that I found interesting:

-Open Heat Map

-when people say "they want their country back" and mean how the USA was in the 1950's what they are unknowingly pining for is less income inequality.
Atl: The Rich Are Getting Much Richer, but Don't Blame Taxes

-Grist: Creating 625,000 jobs and saving $64 billion through energy efficiency

-FS: How increased immigration would help fix the economy
Statistical analysis of state-level data shows that immigrants expand the economy’s productive capacity by stimulating investment and promoting specialization. This produces efficiency gains and boosts income per worker

-FC: E.T. For Real: Cells From Red Rain Can Reproduce, May Be From "Out There"

-MSNBC: Greenspan, in switch, now favors higher taxes

-CSM: Glaciers, known for erosion, can help mountains grow

-3QD: Winner-Take-All Politics
"The Republicans, according to Hacker and Pierson, by marrying populist rhetoric to elite action, have been able to stitch together a constituency that includes moderate income supporters – Christian conservatives, tea partyers, and elite-wary blue-collar workers – while pursuing policies catering almost exclusively to business and moneyed elites."

-Never promise crazy a baby. NDTV: Mistresses, wives of trapped Chilean miners clash over cash

-PhysOrg: Egyptian papyrus found in ancient Irish bog

-TheWeek: 6 global warming skeptics who changed their minds [and me circa 2000]