Tuesday, October 05, 2010

'Running Wilde' Is How Mitch Hurwitz Teaches Fox A Lesson

Via B&C: Is 'Running Wilde' 'Arrested's Heir Apparent?

No, but it is how the Arrested Development players get back at Fox.

" When asked by an audience member if viewers of Running Wilde could expect the same sort of foreshadowing they saw in Arrested, Hurwitz answered with a cryptic "If I say yes, wouldn't I be doing exactly what Fox told me not to do?"

"Arrested Development didn't work in the ratings because of its complexity, so we have to bury that," Hurwitz said."

My prediction is each episode will include a buried homage to AD.

So far we have:
-the "made a huge mistake" moment in the Pilot
-the treehouse in the last week's episode

Instead of AD's multi-variant story lines and triple entendre jokes, Mitch and crew have dumbed the new show down and focus on the one story line. Basically taking the GOB and George Bluth relationship storyline and turning it into a show. The Switch Hitter episode expanded for the masses in other words.