Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Craziness In Wisconsin

As Ezra says: Wisconsin is about power, not money

But not the power he is talking about.

Rather, it appears that Billionaire Brothers’ Money Plays Role in Wisconsin Dispute (NYT) by Privatizing Wisconsin (Felix)
...a particularly audacious section of the Wisconsin budget-repair bill yesterday: the governor can sell off any state-owned heating, cooling, and power plants he likes, at any price, to anybody he wants, without any kind of auction or bid-solicitation process, and such a sale would be defined as being in the best interest of the state and to comply with criteria for certifying such a transaction.

A pet phrase of mine is "we accuse in others what we fear most about ourselves". Unless you have a nefarious intent, in that case a best defense is to go on the offense, what you do is you accuse in others first what you plan to do later.

Like this whole rigmarole about Obama being a flavor-of-the-month-ist and he's going to take guns, property, and your religion. Meanwhile Republicans do want to give things from individuals to corporations. Well played.