Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Gas wells and oil rigs are changing the landscape of the mountain west

Seen at the Christian Science Monitor

The takeaway quote:
"Drilling for gas is already on the upswing in the region. Five Rocky Mountain states saw drilling activity in August rise to their highest levels in a decade. Wyoming had 84 rigs operating versus an annual average of 38 over the past decade - 121 percent higher. For Utah, the 22 rigs operating are 76 percent higher than the average over a decade. For New Mexico, it's 30 percent; Montana, 166 percent; and Colorado, 171 percent.

Yet the energy produced from public lands is minuscule. Interior Department records show that only enough oil was produced between 1989 and 2003 to supply the nation for 53 days and enough natural gas for 221 days at current rates of consumption..."

Source: On the range, gas trumps wildlife