Monday, September 20, 2004

George Lucas talks about changes in the original Trilogy

When you want to know what Nerds think about Star Wars you look on Slashdot.

Most stories get 200+ comments. This George Lucas interview at Yahoo got over 700. There are some very funny reactions.

In response to an answer in the interview where Lucas says It's like this is the movie I wanted it to be, and I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it. One slashdotter wrote in response:
So basically what he says is, he got lucky with Star Wars. Because what he wanted to make was garbage. Look at the prequels - he had much more control over these, and comparatively they sucked. They are tripe on their own, without using the original three as a crutch.

So the movies that people loved, and built his "empire" (so to speak) were not his true vision. We have seen his vision, and it isn't that great. So I think it is time to stop giving Lucas any credit for the first three movies. He doesn't want it, and he apparently doesn't deserve it. Actually, the more control he had, the worse the movies got. It was kind of obvious to me that he had more control with ROTJ, because of the Ewoks and some of the direction the story took. I am almost looking forward to EPIII - not to see it, but just to see how bad it is.

And another posted the following as Lucas to his fans:
"'F' you all, I never wanted to make star wars in the first place. The special additions [sic] are as close as I can now get to what I realy wanted. I wont release the originals because the millions of fans that want to buy them wouldn't (or so the force tells me). Just buy my crap and shut the hell up.'"