Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Ominous Parallels

US Congress may probe leaks in secret CIA prisons story

So - Congressional Republicans want to find out if another Republican leaked the "secret CIA prison" information rather than investigate if the CIA is shipping terror suspects to Eastern Bloc countries. In other cases a whistle blower is a good thing (e.g., Republican Senator Chuck Grassley co-sponsored whistleblower protections in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act). And if finding the source of leaks is so important why didn't Congress investigate how forged documents became material for a State of The Union speech and the basis for going to war in Iraq? There was more outrage over Dan Rather using a forged document on 60 Minutes. At least someone at CBS lost their job because of it.

The Ominous Parallel is that in today's Republican party loyalty trumps all else; if this were a story about Communist China no one would be surprised by a story like this. Why do we fight if we are becoming more like our adversary?