Thursday, August 09, 2007

Minnesotans Versus The White House

While reading about the Minnesota bridge collapse at the Sydney Morning Herald -Questions raised over bridge safety - there was quite a discrepency between the reaction of the victims versus the reaction of the Bush White House.
"Several individuals at the scene, (who were) not recovered, people that were pinned, people that were crushed, that told emergency workers to say hello, to say goodbye," Mr Dolan said.

Truly, these folks are all above average. Meanwhile, from an administration that is below average:

Earlier, White House spokesman Tony Snow said that a 2005 federal report found "structural deficiencies" in the bridge, and said it had been Minnesota state's responsibility for repairing them.

Ok, we get it. You don't want anything to do with this and instead of being classy you distance yourself from the tragedy. This is the lesson the White House got from Hurricane Katrina.