Friday, March 31, 2006

Smart Kids Are Late Bloomers

NPR : Study Makes Case for Late Bloomers

During childhood, Passingham says, every experience helps shape the brain and determine its abilities. He says the study makes a case for paying more attention to a child's surroundings, not less.

"What you would do is advise teachers, parents and everyone else to produce as stimulating a social and linguistic environment as possible," he says.

Paul Harvey - The Voice Of Republicans and Corporations

When I was an outdoor laborer I listened to Paul Harvey every day. But I have only listened to Paul Harvey twice in the last few years and each time I've been flabbergasted by what he says.

I listened when Mr. Harvey advocated for the real nuclear option - Paul Harvey's Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide

In yesterday's midday report Mr. Harvey specified Janet Reno as saying that there was going to be an epidemic of teen crime. But this has not come to pass due to good policing and tough laws.

Unfortunately that is not true.

And everyone was predicting a coming teen crime wave, including Republican Mayor Giuliani but Mr. Harvey neglected this fact.

And Mr. Harvey neglected the true reason for the crime wave that never was and he has obviously not read (or chooses to ignore) 'Freakonomics'.

In the early 1990s, just as the first cohort of children born after Roe v. Wade was hitting its late teen years-the years during which young men enter their criminal prime-the rate of crime began to fall. What this cohort was missing, of course, were the children who stood the greatest chance of becoming criminals. And the crime rate continued to fall as an entire generation came of age minus the children whose mothers had not wanted to bring a child into the world. Legalized abortion led to less unwantedness; unwantedness leads to high crime; legalized abortion, therefore, led to less crime.

-Freakonomics, Chapter 4

At least Mr. Harvey does not let facts get in the way of his opinion or what he sells.

Autoblog On 'The Great Robot Race'

The Great Robot Race adds dimension to DARPA Challenge - Autoblog

I took an abbreviated dog walk Monday night so I could watch this Nova program. It was well worth it.

Watch the program at Nova's web site (and use the QuickTime version)

What Drives Urban Sprawl?

The Great Lakes Radio Consortium has two recent stories on urban sprawl:


In Traverse City property taxes in the city are incredibly high due in part to the in-town real estate boom increasing the State Equalized Value. If I didn't believe in the value of a walkable community I would be tempted to live in a rural township. However, at some point the total energy of infrastructure costs of living outside of a city center will need to be paid - and those costs will be tremendous.

Also, if you want to stop sprawl don't allow ugly-ass 5 acre home lots. What a scourge those are...

Neko Case - Eastern European Folktales and Farm Animals

Montreal Mirror - Beasts and burden: Neko Case finds comfort in animals and
beauty in sadness

Comments At Autoblog Regarding Diesel Suby

Subaru planning diesel models for 2007 - Autoblog - Commets

People really want a diesel Subaru in the U.S., and no one is that impressed by the Jeep Liberty CRD.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Gobal Energy Crisis - Local Solutions?

Preparing New York City for the Coming Energy Crisis

Local solutions to the Energy Dilema (conference)

Have The Music Critics Been Fair To Liz

Holding out for a Phair go

It's nice to be liked
But it's better by far to get paid
I know that most of the friends that I have
Don't really see it that way
But if you can give 'em each one wish
How much do you wanna bet?
They'd which success for themselves and their friends
And that would include lots of money

Changes For The Western All-Stars?

MU students rally to save their program

University President James Garland and Provost Jeffrey Herbst met with students and faculty Wednesday and Friday to discuss the provost’s recommendation to transform the school. Currently students to create their own major. The proposed plan would encompass all university honors programs.

Under Herbst’s recommendations, if the president were to accept it, the Miami honors and scholars programs would be merged over a number of years along with some form of a self-designed interdisciplinary major to the Western Honors Program.

The World's Second Largest Oil Field Probably Has Peaked

Mexico's bad news on oil supply

'Achieve You' At Dear Old Miami U

AlterNet: Over-Achievers With Low Self-Esteem

A look into the conflicted inner lives of young women who appear to kick ass everywhere -- in school and on the soccer field -- while secretly struggling with self-worth.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

God Bless The Dixie Chicks

Dixie Chicks - "Not Ready To Make Nice" song and lyrics

I'll buy the album May 23rd.

[via C&L]

Neko Case Makes Morning Edition

NPR : Neko Case Surges Forward with 'Flood'

In this interview Neko compares her voice to an Evinrude on the back of a fishing boat. That is just one more reason why my own musical torch has been passed from Liz to Neko. But Liz is also like a first girlfriend - no matter what I will always love her and there will never be another 'Exile in Guyville'.

Happy Birthday Jenny

Jennifer Capriati - born 29 March, 1976

Over Christmas break in 1992 I made a mix tape for Jenny that was intended for her to listen to before her tennis matches. A friend of mine said her grandparents lived in the same community where Jennifer trained and that was somehow going to be how I got the tape to her.

When Jennifer's world and career fell apart in 1993 I decided to keep the tape for myself. It was a real good mix tape. I used it for the intended purpose though. I listened to it before indoor soccer games.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Jet Fuel From Coal

Coal-Based Jet Fuel Aces Combustion Tests

[via Grenn Car Congress]

This is good news as the U.S. has a huge coal supply.

I've also wondered what would happen to commercial aviation as crude oil becomes scarcer. There'll probably be a move to more rail and ship; electric powered dirigibles; and liquid hydrogen fueled ramjets.

Subaru Will Bring Diesel Engines To Market Before Hybrids

Subaru aims for diesel cars by end of 2007

He predicted the powertrain would eventually account for 10 to 20 percent of total car sales in Japan and the United States.

A horizontally-opposed diesel powered Subaru Outback will be a dream car for many people. Subaru may be a small player right now but I believe the automaker has the unique ability to draw consumers from both VW and Ford's Volvo line because their cars are efficient SUV alternatives, fun to drive, high quality, and extremely safe.

My guess is sometime after 2010 Subaru will combine diesel and hybrid technologies for an uber-vehicle.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hawaiian Sophie

While listening to my iPod in shuffle mode the song Hawaiian Sophie by Jaz came on (if you watched Yo! MTV Raps in the late 80's you are familiar with this song) and it sounded like Jay-Z made an appearance as the DJ ("on the strength money"). Yes, Jay-Z, the rock-a-fella. See it on

If Jay-Z can move from something as awful as 'Hawaiian Sophie' to someone as hot as Beyonce then the universe is obviously a place science does not fully understand yet.

Obituary For Luna Leopold, River Researcher, Son Of Aldo Leopold

Luna Leopold, River Researcher, Is Dead at 90 - New York Times

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Chomsky Brand

Noam Chomsky

Search Recipes By Ingredients Wanted And Not Wanted

Allrecipes - Recipe Ingredient Search

[via rw]

Peak Oil Gets Coverage On

The oil is going, the oil is going!

Today's Paul Reveres of "peak oil" aren't waiting for Washington to save us from apocalypse. They're already planting gardens and drafting city plans for the days when oil is gone.

It is stupefying that some people continue to discredit the peak oil scenario. It seems most of these naysayers are trying to sell something; trying to discredit Hubbert by saying he predicted worldwide Peak Oil for the 1970's when in fact he accurately predicted the U.S. oil peak; and seem to be religious fanatics who believe oil is abiotic and created by God to lubricate the Earth like cartlage in your knee.

Peaking oil production is a geologic fact. I believe over the next 25 years the effect will be the end of suburbia and everyone will have to live a truly rural life or concentrated in an urban area.

Just hope there isn't a mega-bubble...

Wolf - Elk - Cattle Interactions In The Teton Area

Wolves chase Gros Ventre elk Interviews Lester R. Brown

Saving the Planet With Plan B 2.0

There are some big ideas and good information here. About the looming sucking sound that will soon be coming from India and China.

How "during World War II -- when Roosevelt banned the sale of private automobiles in the United States. For nearly three years. That was his response to Pearl Harbor, mobilizing an enormous arms-production effort. But Bush's response to 9/11 was, "Go shopping".

Why sugarcane is a much better for ethanol production than corn.

And why countries will need to switch to a carbon tax. This is something I've thought about and it makes a lot of sense. By restructuring the tax system away from an immoral income tax (a tax on production which is slavery) to a carbon tax (which will expose the full price of energy) and a national sales tax (encourages savings).

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This Is Old Timey

Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project

Flay/De Laurentiis vs. Batali/Ray

The secret ingredient is cranberries and this episode will air in November.

Backstage at ‘Iron Chef,' gloves come off when heat's on

[via Slashfood]

High Fructose Corn Syrup Is Evil

I believe high fructose corn syrup is one of the wost things you can put in your body.
From the Accidental Hedonist - Foods and Products Containing High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

Homemade Pizza

I made pizza last week in a large cast iron skillet using left over spaghetti sauce with frozen spinach and garlic added to it. I used Molly Katzen's calzone dough recipe for the pizza dough and a mix of mozarella and cheddar for the topping.

Then the next day I saw the Good Eats pizza episode - Flat Is Beautiful

And today this recipe:
Cooking For Engineers - Test Recipes: Pan Pizza

I will definitely change things next time I have left over sauce...

Planning For Spring - Asparagus

Cooking For Engineers - Recipe File: Asparagus with Almonds

There are some tasty sounding changes suggested in the comments.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Salt - The Edible Rock

About Salt: The Most Intimate Mineral (article about how salt forms in the oceans)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Problem With The Democratic Party Is The Democrats

On the Diane Rehm Show for Wednesday March 8, 2006; the first hour discussed Democratic Party Strategy and the second hour was an interview with Judith Levine who wrote a book named 'Not Buying It'.

“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” -Groucho Marx

On the Diane Rehm website it says this about Judith Levine's book:
An award-winning journalist describes a year-long experiment in which she and her partner take a vow to stop shopping for anything but necessities for sustenance, health, and business.

I listened to the show and the juxtaposition was blinding. The Democratic party has no strategy and apparently not buying necessities excludes Internet access and gourmet coffee, a place in New York and a house in Vermont; and three vehicles for two people. I am willing to bet Ms. Levine is a Democrat. And the fact that she considers not going out to eat a sacrifice shows how far out of touch with the rest of America New York Intellectuals are. These are the people that make it hard for normal Americans to join the Democratic party and is why the only Democrats who can win the presidency are southern Democrats. reviewers take more shots at this book.

The Reason Why Pinedale Is Booming

Got Gas? - Oil isn't the only fossil fuel that's in crisis

...America's gas production is actually falling. America's biggest gas fields have long since been tapped, and the new fields being discovered are declining in size. The United States is still the No. 2 gas producer behind Russia, but our production is still falling by about 2 percent a year.

USA TODAY Covers the Expansion In Pinedale

Town gets more than money in energy boom

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What If A Clinton Appointee Sent a Thank-You Note To Planned Parenthood? - News - Alito Sent Focus On The Family Founder Thank-You Note

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson said new Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito sent him a thank-you letter for support during his Senate confirmation hearings.

Most Troops Want Out Of Iraq

Poll of troops in Iraq sees 72% support for withdrawal within a year

Monday, March 06, 2006

Liz - Why Are You Modeling With GM Cars?

Hollywood Big Names and GM's Hottest Rides Model 5th Annual GM Ten Event

At least it was a Saab...

Reviews Are Beginning To Come In For Neko Case's Latest

Case's songs take leap forward

As always, Case's potent, from-the-gut singing contributes its own metaphoric weight. The vocal harmonies hover between gospel holler and train whistle, with a suggestive droop at the end of the traditional song, John Saw That Number.

With each solo album, Neko Case sounds more and more like a voice from another era

Case meanders, beautifully, on twangy 'Fox'

The True Confessions of Neko Case

Neko Case turns to Russian, Ukrainian folk tales on new album Fox Confessor

Google Knows...

A Former BLM Indsider's View of Drilling in Pinedale

BLM Biologist Exposes Inside View Of Agency Priorities

Ironically, he told me last year, the oil and gas industry has a greater interest in being more sensitive on the land, and a willingness to modify its projects to accommodate wildlife, than the BLM does.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Energy Options May Expand In Traverse City

50 to 60 windmills proposed

Wind Farm Proposed

Utility seeks alternative power sources

"I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees" = Another Lie

Video shows Bush, Chertoff warned before Katrina

On the day before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the head of the National Hurricane Center told President Bush that the city's levees were "a very, very grave concern," a newly released videotape shows.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ramos Gin Fizz

Mardi Gras Cocktail: Ramos Gin Fizz - Slashfood

ub the rim of a glass with a cut lemon, then dip in sugar. In a cocktail shaker, combine 2 oz. gin, ½ tsp. orange flower water, 1 egg white, 1 oz cream, 1 oz. lemon juice, and ½ oz. lime juice. Shake vigorously for five minutes, until frothy. Pour into sugar-rimmed glass with ice, and top off with soda water.

Emeril has his recipe.

And someone who got a working Ramos Gin Fizz recipe through trial and error.