Friday, March 31, 2006

Paul Harvey - The Voice Of Republicans and Corporations

When I was an outdoor laborer I listened to Paul Harvey every day. But I have only listened to Paul Harvey twice in the last few years and each time I've been flabbergasted by what he says.

I listened when Mr. Harvey advocated for the real nuclear option - Paul Harvey's Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide

In yesterday's midday report Mr. Harvey specified Janet Reno as saying that there was going to be an epidemic of teen crime. But this has not come to pass due to good policing and tough laws.

Unfortunately that is not true.

And everyone was predicting a coming teen crime wave, including Republican Mayor Giuliani but Mr. Harvey neglected this fact.

And Mr. Harvey neglected the true reason for the crime wave that never was and he has obviously not read (or chooses to ignore) 'Freakonomics'.

In the early 1990s, just as the first cohort of children born after Roe v. Wade was hitting its late teen years-the years during which young men enter their criminal prime-the rate of crime began to fall. What this cohort was missing, of course, were the children who stood the greatest chance of becoming criminals. And the crime rate continued to fall as an entire generation came of age minus the children whose mothers had not wanted to bring a child into the world. Legalized abortion led to less unwantedness; unwantedness leads to high crime; legalized abortion, therefore, led to less crime.

-Freakonomics, Chapter 4

At least Mr. Harvey does not let facts get in the way of his opinion or what he sells.