Thursday, March 23, 2006

Peak Oil Gets Coverage On

The oil is going, the oil is going!

Today's Paul Reveres of "peak oil" aren't waiting for Washington to save us from apocalypse. They're already planting gardens and drafting city plans for the days when oil is gone.

It is stupefying that some people continue to discredit the peak oil scenario. It seems most of these naysayers are trying to sell something; trying to discredit Hubbert by saying he predicted worldwide Peak Oil for the 1970's when in fact he accurately predicted the U.S. oil peak; and seem to be religious fanatics who believe oil is abiotic and created by God to lubricate the Earth like cartlage in your knee.

Peaking oil production is a geologic fact. I believe over the next 25 years the effect will be the end of suburbia and everyone will have to live a truly rural life or concentrated in an urban area.

Just hope there isn't a mega-bubble...