Thursday, March 23, 2006 Interviews Lester R. Brown

Saving the Planet With Plan B 2.0

There are some big ideas and good information here. About the looming sucking sound that will soon be coming from India and China.

How "during World War II -- when Roosevelt banned the sale of private automobiles in the United States. For nearly three years. That was his response to Pearl Harbor, mobilizing an enormous arms-production effort. But Bush's response to 9/11 was, "Go shopping".

Why sugarcane is a much better for ethanol production than corn.

And why countries will need to switch to a carbon tax. This is something I've thought about and it makes a lot of sense. By restructuring the tax system away from an immoral income tax (a tax on production which is slavery) to a carbon tax (which will expose the full price of energy) and a national sales tax (encourages savings).