Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Scarlet Letter

MSNBC - Democratic rivals discuss God at faith forum
"I believe the potential for life begins at conception," Clinton said...

...Asked whether life begins at conception, Obama said he didn't know the answer.

"This is something that I have not, I think, come to a firm resolution on. I think it's very hard to know what that means, when life begins. Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? ... What I know, as I've said before, is that there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life and that that has a moral weight to it that we take into consideration when we're having these debates."

CBSNews - Obama's Unlikely Anti-Abortion Supporters: Washington Post: Anti-Abortion Lawmakers' Backing May Help in Pennsylvania, Indiana
As firmly as Casey (Pa.) and Roemer (Ind.) have adhered to their opposition, Obama has never supported a single measure that would curtail access to abortion -- even under controversial circumstances. But Casey and Roemer have chosen to ignore Obama's legislative record, and are promoting the Democratic presidential candidate to their antiabortion allies as someone who could achieve a new consensus on the issue. "He has the unique skills to try to lower the temperature and foster a sense of common ground, and try to figure out ways that people can agree," Casey said, although the freshman senator added, "On this issue, it's particularly hard."

Sounds like Senators Casey and Roemer want to move the country towards some sort of consensus. Similar to what I first read about in the April, 2007 Atlantic article A Separate Peace.